Covid 19 Updates

Dear Friends,

We are very excited to announce that our practice will be opening as of July 1st for a wider spectrum of dental care. We have been working diligently to build a comfortable and safer environment for you and our team and we are ready. We have revamped our workflow and office infrastructure to minimize person to person contact. We have reduced the number of patients seen per day and added time between patient appointments to allow for thorough cleaning of the treatment rooms. We have been closely following the American Dental Association (ADA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) so that we are up-to-date on any new regulations and guidelines. Your safe care continues to be paramount. Our team is now reaching out to patients who have had to cancel their appointments due to the Shelter-In-Place order as well as patients who are currently scheduled in the upcoming months to confirm new appointments that will promote social distancing mandates and protect the most vulnerable. Our new scheduling options are designed to address your oral healthcare needs and maintain a safe and sterile environment.

Changes you can expect to see to better protect you and our team include:

• Every guest and team member will go through a screening interview prior to coming into the practice. Our office will communicate with you no more than 48 hours from your appointment date via phone call or email.

• Please arrive on time. Appointments are strategically scheduled to minimize your exposure and maximize social distancing. Please call us from your vehicle or from our front door, so we can assure a clear and safe path.

• Upon entering our office every guest and team member will be required to:

  • Sanitize their hands
  • Have their temperature checked with a contactless scan thermometer
  • Wear a face mask throughout the entire office
  • Honor the six feet physical distance between individuals

• Our reception area will be clear of magazines, reading materials, and the coffee and tea station. These materials do not lend themselves to complete protective disinfection guidelines.

• You will notice the clear shields at the front desk which allows some yielding of the physical distance protocol so you can better communicate with our front desk team.

• The office is now equipped with several medical grade HEPA UV-C air purification systems. Each operatory has its own unit for added localized aerosol management.

• As usual, surfaces will be rigorously disinfected before and after every procedure.

• As an added precaution, a disinfecting fogger is used before every procedure in the clinical operatory and hourly in the common areas like the hallways, reception area, and bathroom.

• The clinical operatory will be cool (the additional PPEs are unforgivingly warm) so please prepare by dressing in warm layers or bring a blanket.

• Please bring with you the following if you need it during your visit:

  • Pillow or cushion
  • Ear Buds and a music player
  • Reading Material
  • Eye Protection

• The clinical team and doctor involved with direct patient treatment will now be covered in all the CDC recommended PPEs such as: N95 masks, face shields, body gowns and surgical caps.

• Hygiene appointments have been redesigned with new technology to minimize and manage aerosol production

With all these engineering, social, and administrative safeguards in place we feel confident that we can continue to provide the excellent dental care that you have come to trust. While many things have changed, one thing has remained the same: our commitment to your health and safety. You may not recognize us because of the masks, gowns, bonnets, and face shields, but under all that, we are the same team rooting for your dental health. We look forward to seeing you again.

As always, please call us if you have any questions or concerns.

Stay Healthy,
Your team at Pacleb Dentistry